Give up on things. We only have 24 hours in one day, to be highly successful you need to spend less time on less important things so you can spend your time on things that really matter. Every week, find something to no longer do, so you can work on doing the right thing. Are you spending too much time playing games, watching TV, checking social media, or just worrying too much?
Follow the law of attraction. Read and believe in what you want to happen, not what others tell you that you cannot do. Speak only positively about your future. Say things as if they have already happened. Use your imagination to visualize the outcomes you want. Get your emotions and feelings involved. Project yourself in that outcome.
Find something that motivates you every day. Is it a video to watch, exercise, meditate, or listen to music? Whichever activity you can do daily that puts in you a positive frame of mind and makes you excited to go out and tackle the day do it. Things will go wrong, and you need to be in the right frame of mind to overcome the challenges.
Step out of the box. Do something every day that makes you stand out. Wear a hat, bright-colored socks, or always wear green. Do the opposite and always wear the same thing. A navy skirt/slacks and a white shirt with a red jacket for example.
Quit thinking. Sometimes we just spend too much time thinking and analyzing. Just get out there and do it. This can be dwelling on something you did or said in the past or it could be worrying about the future. You made your plan, you know what you must do, as Nike says, Just Do It!
Graph your progress. Graph your successes as a picture is worth a thousand words or you can graph your daily activities and see if you are doing the right thing most of the time. Graph out what you do daily. Are you spending the time on productive items? Being aware of trends by using graphs can help keep you motivated. When you are seeing success, this can keep you motivated. You can also see if you are on a downward trend quickly and adjust.
Keep it clean. Keep your surroundings neat and clean. These include your work area, living area, and car. Neat people save time which saves money. Clients want to be sure you are handling their transactions efficiently and effectively and this is done when you are working in a structured and clean environment.
Always be grateful. Thank as many people as you can and as often as you can. Being thankful allows us to acknowledge the current and the opportunities that lie ahead. When we are thankful for even the smallest moments life sends us even more rewards. Grateful people tend to be happier and more resilient to the challenges that come their way. Gratitude is an open door to abundance.
Do what you say. Success is never giving up. If you tell someone you are going to do something, do it. You lose trust in everyone if you don’t follow through with what you say you are going to do. If you tell someone you will do some research or send them information later in the day, then do it. If you aren’t sure, you can get it done, then do not promise it. You can tell them I will get it to you in the next two days and if you can get it to them that day think how happy they are and how confident they are in you. If you tell them, you will get it to them by the end of the day and you do not do it until the next, you have lost trust and their confidence in you.
Spend money. Spend money on education not new clothes, games, lottery tickets, or gadgets. Invest in yourself. Successful people are investing in learning new skills by attending seminars, reading books or success magazines, or listening to those who are successful.
Stop worrying. Who cares what other people think? The less you care and the less you stress will make your work more fun and successful. Concentrate on the here and now and spend your time wisely.
Focus on minutes, not hours or days. Successful people know there are 1440 minutes in each day. No one has less or more. Successful people use their minutes wisely and plan accordingly. They do this by touching items that cross their desk only once. When it is time to read emails, if it can be handled quickly that is what they do instead of pushing it off until later. They delegate everything they can. They understand the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule. That means that 80 percent of results come from 20 percent of activities so that is where the time is spent. Successful people say no quite a bit. If the activity they are asked to do doesn’t match their goals they say no.
Success is a choice so make the right decisions to pursue your dreams and aspirations.